Jacob de Gheyn II

Flowers in a Glass Flask

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Jacob de Gheyn II
Flowers in a Glass Flask

1612 未在展览

De Gheyn, a painter from The Hague, may have been the first Dutch master to paint a still-life of only flowers, shortly after 1600. He made this painting over ten years later. It shows a profuse bouquet of many different flowers.

De Gheyn has not copied an existing bouquet, as the flowers depicted here bloom at different times of the year. He was concerned instead with painting a ‘portrait’ of the most beautiful flowers. This is why he placed them all at the front of the bouquet, where they were equally visible.

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Jacob de Gheyn II
Flowers in a Glass Flask

1612 未在展览



Jacob de Gheyn II (Antwerp 1565 - 1629 The Hague)
Flowers in a Glass Flask
58 x 44 cm
upper centre: J G 12
to be read as 1612
lower centre: JACOBVS DE GHEYN FE:


N. Nieuhoff, Amsterdam, before 1776 (sale, Amsterdam, 14-17 April 1777, nr. 57, 120 guilders to Roos); Cornelis S. Roos Gallery, Amsterdam, 1777; L. Dimon Gallery, Perpignan, 1934; Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, purchased in 1934; on long-term loan from the Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, 1987-1991; transferred by the Gemeentemuseum with the Haags Historie collection to the Haags Historisch Museum, The Hague, 1991; on long-term loan from the Haags Historisch Museum, since 1991