Michel Sittow

Portrait of a Man

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Michel Sittow
Portrait of a Man

On view in Room 7

Michel Sittow came from Estonia. He trained as a painter in Flanders, which was a major art centre in those days. This is one of the few paintings we know by Sittow, which he probably made in his hometown of Tallinn. He painted the man’s face in great detail, with delicate wrinkles and a light beard growth. The man’s hands are resting on the edge of the painting, giving it the appearance of a windowsill – a trick that Sittow learned in Bruges from Hans Memling.

Technical details
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Michel Sittow
Portrait of a Man

On view in Room 7

Acquired with the support of Mr A.W. Volz and the Rembrandt Association, 1946


General information
Michel Sittow (Tallinn 1469 - 1525 Tallinn)
Portrait of a Man
Room 7
Material and technical details
35.9 x 25.9 cm


Von Liphart family, Ratshof Castle, Tartu, Estonia, until 1918; Ernest, Baron von Liphart, Petrograd, 1918-1921; A.W. Volz, The Hague, 1921-1946; purchase made possible by the testamentary disposition of Mr Volz and with the support of the Rembrandt Association, 1946