Jan van Mieris

De Schilderkunst (Pictura)

L177 detail
L177 achterzijde
L177 ingelijst
L177 voorzijde
L177 voorzijde

Jan van Mieris
De Schilderkunst (Pictura)

Expuesto en Sala 11

A woman leans dreamily with her elbow on a book while holding a stage mask. Standing on the table is a classical statue of the god Apollo, next to a palette with brushes. Behind the woman an empty canvas rests against an easel. All these objects can only mean one thing: this woman personifies Pictura, the art of painting.

Frans van Mieris was long believed to have made this picture, but it later turned out to be the work of his son and pupil Jan. Like his father, Jan was a talented painter of different materials, as is evident from Pictura’s magnificent gleaming dress.

Detalles técnicos
L177 voorzijde

Jan van Mieris
De Schilderkunst (Pictura)

Expuesto en Sala 11

In langdurig bruikleen van Liberty Globus C.V.


Información general
Jan van Mieris
De Schilderkunst (Pictura)
Sala 11
Material y detalles técnicos
31 x 25 cm


In langdurig bruikleen van Liberty Globus C.V., sinds 2020