Karel Dujardin

Italian Landscape with a Young Shepherd Playing with his Dog

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Karel Dujardin
Italian Landscape with a Young Shepherd Playing with his Dog

展示場所 室 12

Du Jardin, who made several journeys to Italy, has made the Mediterranean heat of this Italian landscape almost tangible. The shepherd boy lies languidly playing with his dog. He is taking a break, as his horse is grazing peacefully and his provisions are ready to eat.

Du Jardin has not chosen the easiest way to depict the shepherd: at right angles to the picture plane. However, he has managed to solve the perspective problems excellently.

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Karel Dujardin
Italian Landscape with a Young Shepherd Playing with his Dog

展示場所 室 12



Karel Dujardin (Amsterdam 1627 - 1678 Venice)
Italian Landscape with a Young Shepherd Playing with his Dog
室 12
31.2 x 37.6 cm
lower left: K: dv Iardin f.


Comte de Vence Collection, Paris; Etienne François, Duc de Choiseul, Paris, 1772; Comte de Conti, Paris, 1777; Solirène Collection, Paris, 1812; Lapeyrière Collection, Paris, 1817; William Buchanan, London; Edward Gray, London; C.J. Nieuwenhuys Gallery, London; Hendrik Adolf Steengracht van Duivenvoorde, The Hague, before 1893-1913; August Janssen, Amsterdam, 1913; gift of Jacques Goudstikker, 1919