Pieter Saenredam

The Mariaplaats with the Mariakerk in Utrecht

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974 voorzijde

Pieter Saenredam
The Mariaplaats with the Mariakerk in Utrecht

展示場所 室 15

Here, Saenredam has painted an accurate representation of the mediaeval Mariakerk in Utrecht. It was already in ruins in the seventeenth century and was later demolished. Saenredam had a preference for such old buildings, which he documented in drawings with great precision.

On the edge of the awning, you can read that he completed this painting on 20 November 1659. However, he based it on a drawing he had made on site 23 years earlier, in the summertime.

974 voorzijde

Pieter Saenredam
The Mariaplaats with the Mariakerk in Utrecht

展示場所 室 15

Acquired with the support of the Rembrandt Association, the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, the Openbaar Kunstbezit Foundation and the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 1966


Pieter Saenredam (Assendelft 1597 - 1665 Haarlem)
The Mariaplaats with the Mariakerk in Utrecht
室 15
44 x 63 cm
lower centre, on the pentice: De St Maria kerck tot Utrecht. / P.r Saenredam fecit Ao. 1659. 11/20


Possibly W.A. Coats; Asscher and Welcker Gallery, London; Douwes Gallery, Amsterdam; Frits Lugt, Maartensdijk, 1927; J.W. Nienhuys, Bloemendaal, 1927; A.M. Nienhuys-Versteegh, Aerdenhout, 1948-1966; purchased with the support of the Rembrandt Association, the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, the Openbaar Kunstbezit Foundation and the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation, 1966