Isack van Ostade

Travellers outside an Inn

Isack van Ostade
Travellers outside an Inn

1646 Zu sehen in Saal 14

A motley company have gathered outside the inn. Men are sitting or lying on the grass, relaxed and chatting together. A woman is sitting high atop the wagon looking down at the beggar nearby, while a cripple propels himself along the road with blocks of wood.

Isack van Ostade specialised in this sort of peasant scene. He was the younger brother of Adriaen van Ostade.

Technische Daten

Isack van Ostade
Travellers outside an Inn

1646 Zu sehen in Saal 14

Kommende Veranstaltungen


Allgemeine Informationen
Isack van Ostade (Haarlem 1621 - 1649 Haarlem)
Travellers outside an Inn
Saal 14
Material und technische Daten
75.8 x 109.4 cm
lower centre: Isack: van. Ostade 1646


Probably Pieter Fouquet Gallery, Amsterdam; Pierre-Louis Randon de Boisset, Paris, until 1776; his sale, Paris, 27 February-25 March 1777 (Lugt 2652), no. 118 (for 15,000 francs to Le Brun for Radix Sainte-Foix); Claude-Pierre-Maximilien Radix Sainte-Foix, Paris, 1777; possibly Louis de Noailles, Maréchal de France, Paris; Joseph Duruey, Paris, 1791-1794; his sale, Paris, 21 June 1797 (Lugt 5625), no. 7 (for 7,400 francs to Robit); François-Antoine Robit, Paris, 1797-1801; his sale, Paris, 6 December 1800 (Lugt 6161), no. 77 and again offered for sale at second Robit sale, Paris, 11-18 May 1801 (Lugt 6259), no. 78 (for 9,020 francs to Séguin); Armand Séguin, Paris, 1801; Ferdinand d’Artois, Duc de Berry, Paris; his widow, Marie-Caroline-Ferdinande-Louise de Bourbon, Duchesse de Berry, Paris; offered for sale in London, Christie’s, 1834 (cf. Lugt 13608a), no. 33, unsold and incorporated in the Berry sale, Paris, 4-6 April 1837 (Lugt 14643), no. 18 (for 32,655 francs to Demidoff); Anatole Demidoff, San Donato, 1837-1868; his sale, 18 April 1868 (Lugt 30437), no. 9 (for 104,000 francs to Mannheim for the 4th Marquess of Hertford); Richard Seymour-Conway, 4th Marquess of Hertford, Paris, 1868-1870; by inheritance to his illegitimate son, Richard Wallace, Paris, 1870 (inventory 1871, no. 359; exhibited at the Bethnal Green Museum, London, 24 June 1872-April 1875, no. 173; subsequently exhibited as part of The Wallace Collection, Hertford House, London); his widow, Amélie-Julie-Charlotte Castelnau, Lady Wallace, Hertford House, London, 1890; acquired by Alfred de Rothschild, London, in exchange for another painting by Isack van Ostade (London, The Wallace Collection, inv. no. P 73), after 1890 and before 1898; by inheritance to his illegitimate daughter, Almira, Countess of Carnarvon, 1918; Knoedler Gallery, New York (inv. no. 15881), with Colnaghi Gallery, London and Arthur Ruck Gallery, London, March 1924; sold to Jan Kleykamp of Kleykamp Gallery, The Hague, October 1925 (sold to the Mauritshuis for 35,000 guilders); acquired with the support of the Rembrandt Association and private individuals, 1925