Etienne-Maurice Falconet

'L'Amour Menaçant' (Seated Cupid)

Etienne-Maurice Falconet
'L'Amour Menaçant' (Seated Cupid)

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Allgemeine Informationen
Etienne-Maurice Falconet (Paris 1716 - 1791 Paris)
'L'Amour Menaçant' (Seated Cupid)
Material und technische Daten
87 x 185 cm
on the ribbon of the quiver: ETIENNE- MAURICE FALCONET 1757
on the pedestal: Qui que tu sois, voicy ton Maître / Il l'est, le fut, ou le doit être


Madame de Pompadour, Château de Bellevue, Paris; P.-L. Randon de Boisset, Paris, 1777; Duc de Rohan-Chabot, Paris, 1777-1787; Count Golovkine, Paris and/or St Petersburg, until 1796; Count Bezborodko, St Petersburg, 1796; his heirs, until 1870; A.P. Count Chouvalov, St Petersburg, 1870; Hermitage, St Petersburg, before 1929; sold by Russia to Mannheimer in 1933 (1,250,000 French francs); Fritz Mannheimer (1890-1939), Amsterdam; sold as part of the Mannheimer Collection to the Dienststelle Mühlmann for Adolf Hitler, Führermuseum, Linz, 1940; Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit (inv. no. NK 3119), 1946; on loan to the Mauritshuis, 1953-1960; transferred, 1960; on long-term loan to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (inv. no. BK-1963-101), since 1963


This sculpture is part of the Netherlands Art Property Collection (‘NK collection’): objects that were stolen, seized or purchased during the Nazi regime. After the Second World War they were placed under the administration of the Dutch State. In recent decades, applications for restitution are taken into consideration again and some objects have been returned to the heirs of their rightful owners.

For more information: visit our page on provenance research