Pieter Pietersz

Portrait of a Man

Pieter Pietersz
Portrait of a Man

1597 Expuesto en Sala 6

This portrait of an unknown man belongs with the portrait of a woman that also hangs in this room. The man had been at the Mauritshuis since 1953, all on his own. Until 1996, when the portrait of the woman was donated to the museum. The two clearly belong together and have since been reunited.

Where these small paintings have been and who Pietersz was depicting is unknown. What we do know is the age of his sitters, thanks to the Latin inscription: Anno 1597, my age 60.

Detalles técnicos

Pieter Pietersz
Portrait of a Man

1597 Expuesto en Sala 6

Próximas actividades


Información general
Pieter Pietersz (Antwerp 1540/1541 - 1603 Amsterdam)
Portrait of a Man
Sala 6
Material y detalles técnicos
42.5 cm diameter
at left: Ao <> 1597
at right: ÆT <> MEÆ <> 60 <>


K. Fruwirth, Vienna (his sale, 17 April 1879, lot 29, as by A. Mor); Albert Figdor, Vienna (his sale, Berlin, Paul Cassirer Gallery, 29-30 September 1930, lot 63, as Dutch 1597, for 3100 RM to P. de Boer); P. de Boer Gallery, Amsterdam, 1930; Busch Gallery (branch of P. de Boer Gallery), Frankfurt am Main, c.1931 (as Dutch Master, 1591); Mortimer Brandt Gallery, New York, c.1950; S. Nijstad Gallery, The Hague; purchased, 1953