Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hendrik van Balen

Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons

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Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hendrik van Balen
Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons

Visible à Salle 3

The medallion in the centre depicts Cybele, the goddess of Earth and Nature. Around the medallion hangs a garland of flowers, vegetables and fruit – a tribute to the goddess and an ode to plenty and fertility.

Brueghel collaborated on this painting with Van Balen, who was responsible for painting the medallion. Brueghel himself painted the abundant garland, the surrounding figures and the numerous animals. He painted with such a fine touch that he was called the Velvet Brueghel.

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Jan Brueghel the Elder & Hendrik van Balen
Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons

Visible à Salle 3

Vers le haut


Informations générales
Jan Brueghel the Elder (Brussels 1568 - 1625 Antwerp) et Hendrik van Balen (Antwerp c. 1574/1575 - 1632 Antwerp)
Garland of Fruit surrounding a Depiction of Cybele Receiving Gifts from Personifications of the Four Seasons
Salle 3
Détails des matériaux et techniques
106.3 x 69.9 cm
on the verso: MV
MV in ligature, the mark of the Antwerp panel-maker Michiel Vriendt, and the weapon of the city


Johan Anthony van Kinschot, Delft, until 1767; Prince William V, The Hague, 1770-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum Central des Arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822