Gabriel Metsu

The Triumph of Justice

Gabriël Metsu  De triomf der Gerechtigheid The Triumph of Justice
Gabriël Metsu  De triomf der Gerechtigheid The Triumph of Justice
Gabriël Metsu  De triomf der Gerechtigheid The Triumph of Justice
Gabriël Metsu  De triomf der Gerechtigheid The Triumph of Justice
Gabriël Metsu  De triomf der Gerechtigheid The Triumph of Justice

Gabriel Metsu
The Triumph of Justice

c. 1651-1653 Non visible

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Informations générales
Gabriel Metsu (Leiden 1629 - 1667 Amsterdam)
The Triumph of Justice
c. 1651-1653
Détails des matériaux et techniques
152.5 x 120 cm
lower centre, on the step: GMetsu
GM in ligature


Sara de Witte, widow of Michiel van Peene, Leiden, 1667; her heirs; purchased for the Nationaal Kabinet (Royal Museum), Picture Gallery of Prince William V, The Hague, in or after 1804; transferred, 1822; on long-term loan to Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden since 2019