Jan van Goyen

Fishermen by the Lakeshore

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979 voorzijde

Jan van Goyen
Fishermen by the Lakeshore

Non visible

Vers le haut


Informations générales
Jan van Goyen (Leiden 1596 - 1656 The Hague)
Fishermen by the Lakeshore
Détails des matériaux et techniques
paper on linen
25 x 34 cm
lower centre: vG 1651


Arthur Kay, Glasgow; F. Schwarz Gallery, Vienna, until c.1895; Marcus Kappel, Berlin, c.1895?; R.A. Veltman, Bloemendaal, until 1935; Jacques Goudstikker Gallery, Amsterdam, 1935-1940; W.A. Hofer, Berlin, June 1940; Hermann Göring, Berlin, June 1940; G. Sprengel, Berlin, c.1948; sale Berlin (Spik), 26 November 1957, no. 99 (to Beck); Hans-Ulrich Beck, Berlin-Munich, 1957; S. Nijstad Gallery, The Hague, 1966-1967; purchased, 1967