Adriaen Brouwer

Lust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins

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Adriaen Brouwer
Lust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins

Visitabile tra Sala 4

Adriaen Brouwer often portrayed peasants as drunkards and hoodlums. And this slovenly man with his hand in his half-opened jerkin certainly does not look at his best. In the background, you can just make out a dune landscape and a couple walking on the left. Brouwer applied the paint very thinly with smooth, accurate brushstrokes.

Brouwer came from Antwerp, but also worked in Haarlem and Amsterdam for a while. His comical scenes influenced Dutch painters of everyday life.

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Adriaen Brouwer
Lust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins

Visitabile tra Sala 4

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Informazioni generali
Adriaen Brouwer (Oudenaarde 1605/1606 - 1638 Antwerp)
Lust (Luxuria), One of the Seven Deadly Sins
Sala 4
Materiale e dettagli tecnici
22.9 x 16.1 cm


Probably identical with the painting described in the inventory of Maria Anna van der Goes, Antwerp, as part of a series of the Seven Deadly Sins, 1663; Don Juan José of Austria (1629-1679), son of the Spanish king Philip IV, Brussels/Madrid (his seal on the back of the painting) and by inheritance in the family, as part of a series of the Seven Deadly Sins; Charles Théodore Schotte, Viscount Sint-Winoksbergen, and his widow, Louvain (sale Louvain, 5 September 1787, no. 11, as part of a series of the Seven Deadly Sins); probably Lapeyrière sale, Paris, 14 April 1817 (Lugt 9098), no. 16 (for 150 francs to Alexis-Nicolas Perignon); Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell Gallery, London; purchased, 1897 (for 1,700 guilders by Abraham Bredius, from whom bought by the Mauritshuis that same year)