Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)

Sixteen-Arm Chandelier

Anoniem  Zestienarmige kaarsenkroon
Anoniem  Zestienarmige kaarsenkroon
Anoniem  Zestienarmige kaarsenkroon

Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)
Sixteen-Arm Chandelier

c. 1625-1650 Экспонируется Зал 1

The brass chandelier in the middle of the hall was probably cast in Amsterdam, which was the centre of brass founding at the time. It is one of the largest chandeliers made in the seventeenth century and one of the oldest surviving examples. It consists of many separate parts that are assembled like a kit. Splendid chandeliers like this were not made for ordinary houses but for large buildings like churches and palaces.

Технические сведения
Anoniem  Zestienarmige kaarsenkroon

Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)
Sixteen-Arm Chandelier

c. 1625-1650 Экспонируется Зал 1

Предстоящие мероприятия


Общие сведения
Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)
Sixteen-Arm Chandelier
c. 1625-1650
Зал 1
Сведения о материале и технике
138 x 157 cm


Gift of George and Ilone Kremer on the occasion of Frits Duparc's departure as director, 2008