Godefridus Schalcken

Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)

Godefridus Schalcken  Jonge vrouw met duiven (Venus?) Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)
Godefridus Schalcken  Jonge vrouw met duiven (Venus?) Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)
Godefridus Schalcken  Jonge vrouw met duiven (Venus?) Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)

Godefridus Schalcken
Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)

c. 1680-1685 Не экспонируется

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Общие сведения
Godefridus Schalcken (Made 1643 - 1706 The Hague)
Young Woman with Pigeons (Venus?)
c. 1680-1685
Сведения о материале и технике
21.5 x 16.7 cm
on the verso: Stat N°162 / Verkolie
Stat = Stadhouder [Stadtholder]


Govert van Slingelandt, The Hague, in or before 1752-1767; his widow, Agatha Huydecoper, The Hague, 1767-1768; Van Slingelandt sale, The Hague, 18 May 1768 (Lugt 1683), no. 38 (as ‘Venus avec ses Colombes’); the entire collection sold to Prince William V; Prince William V, The Hague, 1768-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum central des arts/Musée Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815 (as by ‘Verkolié’); Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822; exhibited in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, since 2010