Jan van Huysum

Fruit Still Life

Jan van Huysum
Fruit Still Life

Экспонируется Зал 11

Some fruit is set out on a marble tabletop. There are plums, grapes and berries. The main role is given to the peach, on which there is a small white butterfly. An ant is crawling over the soft skin of the fruit.

This small painting belongs with a flower still-life of the same dimensions. Van Huysum painted them both on copper plates, which have a hard, smooth surface that is ideal for this type of small, precise work.

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Jan van Huysum
Fruit Still Life

Экспонируется Зал 11

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Общие сведения
Jan van Huysum (Amsterdam 1682 - 1749 Amsterdam)
Fruit Still Life
Зал 11
Сведения о материале и технике
21 x 27 cm
rechtsonder, op de rand van de marmeren tafel: Jan Van Huijsum fecit


Robert de Neufville, Leiden, 1736; Hermina Jacoba, Baroness van Leyden, Warmond; purchased, 1816