Prince William V Gallery

In the historical Gallery of Prince William V, located next to the Gevangenpoort, you can dine amid seventeenth-century masterpieces by Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Steen, and Paulus Potter. Surrounded by historical paintings, illuminated by magnificent crystal chandeliers, and sheltered by heavy curtains, you will experience the wealth of the 17th century. A unique experience, which neither you nor your guests will easily forget. For your dinner you can choose from various caterers.


  • Prices exclude 21% VAT and museum visit
  • Prices include security, cloakroom, host, and available technical facilities
  • Available technical facilities: free Wifi, sound systems, projector with projection screen
  • Catering: by our in-house caterer Sociëteit de Witte*

*Except for Prince William V Gallery, here you can choose a different caterer.

Randstadzaal Den Haag Sfeer Mauritshuis


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