Granting and bequeathing

Support the museum as an individual or as a company

 Bezoekers kijken naar de schilderijen van Cornelis Troost in het Mauritshuis in Den Haag.

Our museum is almost 200 years old. However, the roots of the collection go even deeper. The core of our collection consists of the paintings that King William I inherited from his father, Stadtholder William V. The king donated those paintings to the new State of the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century. They formed the foundation for our collection. Since then, many collectors have contributed to the expansion of our collection by means of donations and bequests.

Our activities benefit from every donation, no matter how large or small. A multitude of uses can be imagined in order to suitably utilise your gift. There are also attractive fiscal opportunities which we will be happy to discuss with you. If you would like to make a donation, please do so via the ‘Donate from the Netherlands’ page on this website.

Why your support is indispensable

It seems obvious that the Mauritshuis collection will always be preserved. Art is however always vulnerable. This most certainly applies to our works by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Rubens and the other great masters of 17th-century painting. A great deal of money is needed every year to keep the collection in top condition for visitors like you.

The Mauritshuis is so much more than just a repository for our high-quality art collection. We also pay a lot of attention to the presentation of the collection. In addition, we also do research and restoration work. And we make sure that everyone will feel at home with us. Would you like to help?

The following are a few projects that you could possibly contribute to:

Optimal Framing

The right frame makes a painting stand out so much better. Appropriate old frames are not always available. For that reason, we often commission the production of expensive replicas of originals from the 16th or 17th century. Would you like to know which paintings need a new frame? If so, please contact us.

Research and Restoration

Is it a real Rembrandt? Where does the blue colour in Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer come from? What changes did the painter make in later phases? Our curators and restorers are constantly searching for answers to these and other questions. In this way, we continue to learn more and more about painters, their techniques and the times they lived in. Check out our ‘Restorations and Research’ page for stories about our most recent research and restorations.

Learning from art

The more we learn about art, the more ‘alive’ it becomes. When we know the stories each painting has to tell. That’s how our love for and our interest in art grows. And that’s why the Mauritshuis invests so much time, money and energy in education. Would you like to help enthuse our children and youths?

Donation with tax benefits

All contributions are welcome. Your donation to the Mauritshuis is deductible from your income tax as a 'personal allowance' within the applicable limits.

The most optimal tax benefits apply to periodic gifts spread over five calendar years. That way, the donation is fully deductible from income tax. You have the option of having the gift recorded through a notary public or by means of a written agreement with the Mauritshuis. We will be happy to advise you on this. Would you like to find out more about the tax consequences? If so, please take a look at the donation page of the tax authorities.

Make a donation

Would you like to make a donation now? You can do so by clicking the button below. Or you can make your donation via account number NL02 ABNA 0516425129 in the name of the Stichting Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis te Den Haag.

Johannes Vermeer, View of Delft, c. 1660 - 1661

Named Fund

Would you like to contribute to our projects while giving substance to your personal passion? A Mauritshuis Named Fund might be what you are looking for.

If, for example, you would like to bring more children into contact with painting, you could support educational projects with your own Named Fund. Or, if you are fascinated by the restoration of our paintings, you could support the research projects conducted by our restoration studio.

In the case of a Named Fund, we jointly determine the application of your donation and the name of your fund. A Named Fund can be established starting at €50,000. This is possible through a donation (through a one-time gift or a periodic donation), but also through your will. You can find out more about the available options in our program brochure.

We would love to hear from you!

Gerard ter Borch, Woman Writing a Letter, c. 1655

Johan Maurits Compagnie

The Johan Maurits Compagnie Foundation was created in 2002 and manages an initial capital. The proceeds from this fund are used to support the Mauritshuis in general and the following goals in particular:

  • Publications
  • Educational projects
  • Smaller exhibitions and presentations
  • Improvement of the interior (frames, showcases, lighting)
  • Special restorations and equipment acquisition (microscopes and infrared cameras)

Board of Directors
The board of the Johan Maurits Compagnie Foundation consists of:

  • L.C.E. van Tets–van Tienhoven, voorzitter
  • R. Vellekoop, penningmeester/ voorzitter beleggingscommissie
  • T.A. Leysen, lid
  • R.V.M. Ruding-Hekking, lid

 Bezoekers kijken naar de schilderijen van Cornelis Troost in het Mauritshuis in Den Haag.

Bequest to the Mauritshuis

The core of the collection consists of the paintings that King William I inherited from his father, the Stadtholder Prince William V. The King donated the works to the new State of the Netherlands at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, many collectors have contributed to the expansion of our collection of masterpieces by means of monetary donations and bequests in the form of art works.

We still regularly receive bequests or inheritances from people who care about the Mauritshuis. Thanks to these contributions, it is possible to conduct research, organise exhibitions and expand our collection with new paintings.

We would like to make it possible for today’s visitors, as well as those of the future to enjoy our museum. You can help us do so by including the Mauritshuis in your will. Every gift is very much welcome, whether small or large. We would be very happy to arrange a personal meeting to determine what your contribution could mean for the museum. You're very welcome!

We would be happy to send you our brochure by post.

Support from abroad

United States

American Friends of the Mauritshuis was founded in 1982. The aim: to consolidate the ties between the Mauritshuis and American lovers of 17th-century Dutch painting. As an American Friend of the Mauritshuis, you contribute to the preservation of the museum and the collection; now and in the future.

Fullbright Fellowship

The American Friends of the Mauritshuis, in collaboration with the Fullbright Foundation, is able to offer a scholarship for American students in the fields of restoration and conservation. The grant enables them to gain a year’s experience in the museum's restoration studio. The restoration studio always strives for the highest quality research with the best technological applications and is therefore a special learning platform for students.

For more detailed information, please visit the American Friends website.

United Kingdom

The Dutch Masters Foundation was established in the United Kingdom in 2010, as an initiative of the Mauritshuis in collaboration with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and the Nederlands Dans Theater. It is an English charity that supports the educational projects of the three founders.

Tax benefits may apply to donations by UK taxpayers to the Dutch Masters Foundation.

For more detailed information, please visit the website of The Dutch Masters Foundation.


Transnational Giving Europe has made it easier to make international donations within Europe. In practice, a donor can make a donation from his own country through the local partner organisation. In the Netherlands, this is the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. This organisation transfers the donation, subject to the deduction of a 5% fee, to the Mauritshuis.

A gift may qualify for tax benefits. The benefits vary from country to country and are determined by national legislation. Please contact your tax advisor concerning the fiscal benefits of a gift in your specific situation.


There are many ways for you to support the Mauritshuis and our activities. Would you like to find out which of these match your wishes and options?

Please feel free to contact us today:

Marjolijn Peeters
+31(0)70 302 3445

Marjolijn would be happy to answer all your questions concerning donations to the Mauritshuis.