David Teniers the Younger

Kitchen Interior

David Teniers the Younger
Kitchen Interior

1644 On view in Room 3

Teniers was descended from an Antwerp family of artists. He painted this kitchen interior on copper; a smooth base on which you can paint in great detail. The daydreaming woman peeling apples is Teniers’ wife Anna Brueghel. Their son David is holding the plate of peeled apples.

On the table, there is a remarkable swan pie with all sorts of symbols of love: a garland of red and white roses and a shield with a burning heart and two clasped hands. Teniers may have intended this painting as a tribute to Anna.

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Women of the Mauritshuis

You may have noticed when you look at the labels next to paintings that there is often no information about the people portrayed in them. This was also the case here. You got information about what it was painted on (copper), what effect that had (a very detailed painting), the symbolism of the swan pie (love), but who is that woman? She is in fact artist Anna Brueghel, daughter of master painter Jan Brueghel the Elder. She was married to David Teniers, who painted this scene. Not a single one of her paintings has survived, but her wealth and family connections helped Teniers make his breakthrough as an artist. Anna Brueghel often modelled for Teniers’ paintings, usually with their son David, who stands beside her here, holding the plate of peeled apples.

Anna Brueghel Keukeninterieur Mauritshuis Den Haag

David Teniers the Younger
Kitchen Interior

1644 On view in Room 3

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General information
David Teniers the Younger (Antwerp 1610 - 1690 Brussels)
Kitchen Interior
Room 3
Material and technical details
55.5 x 77.5 cm
lower right: DAVID. TENIERS. F
at right, on the drawing above the fireplace: Ao 1644


Johan van Schuylenburch, The Hague; his sale, The Hague, 20 September 1735 and following days (Lugt 453), no. 64 (455 guilders); Govert van Slingelandt, The Hague, in or before 1752; his widow, Agatha Huydecoper, The Hague, 1767-1768; Van Slingelandt sale, The Hague, 18 May 1768 (Lugt 1683), no. 30; the entire collection sold to Prince William V; Prince William V, The Hague, 1768-1795; confiscated by the French, transferred to the Muséum central des arts/Musée Napoleon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, 1795-1815; Royal Picture Gallery, housed in the Prince William V Gallery, The Hague, 1816; transferred to the Mauritshuis, 1822