Christoffel van den Berghe

Winter Landscape

Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape

Christoffel van den Berghe
Winter Landscape

c. 1615-1620 On view in Room 4

People glide over the ice of a frozen waterway. They are sledging and playing an old game called ‘kolf’. The ice seems to stretch out endlessly into the distance. This sense of depth is reinforced by the bare silhouette of the tree in the foreground.

Christoffel van den Berghe painted this small landscape with great precision on a copper plate; a very smooth base ideally suited to painting fine detail.

Technical details
Christoffel van den Berghe  Winterlandschap Winter Landscape

Christoffel van den Berghe
Winter Landscape

c. 1615-1620 On view in Room 4

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General information
Christoffel van den Berghe (Middelburg c. 1590 - after 1628 Middelburg)
Winter Landscape
c. 1615-1620
Room 4
Material and technical details
11.5 x 16.5 cm
lower left, on a barrel: CVB
in ligature


De Witte van Citters Collection, Middelburg; bequest of Arnoldus Andries des Tombe, The Hague, 1903