The Mauritshuis library is located on the second floor of the exhibition wing. The library is not open to the public, but can be visited by appointment.

The scientific reference library of the Mauritshuis contains publications of the museum, such as collection and exhibition catalogues, annual reports, and information about the building.

Our library also contains publications related to the collection of the Mauritshuis, in particular Dutch and Flemish painting of the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. This includes monographs, collection and exhibition catalogues from other museums, art historical journals, and other reference works.

The library of the Mauritshuis is not open to the public. Researchers, specialists, students and other interested parties with specific questions about items in the collection or the building may visit our library by appointment. No books are lent out.

If you wish to make an appointment, please contact us via Please mention your research question.

For art-historical questions, please contact the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD) in The Hague: