A peek at Potter - Investigating the bull

This year, we're restoring the iconic painting The bull by Paulus Potter. Join us in a brand new Art Story as we delve into all the ins and outs behind this legenda(i)ry painting.

Abbie and Jolijn


Lieve Boiten


Arjan en Gisbert

Bird watchers

Over the next two years, The bull will move to its own private lab within the museum. There, it will be restored alongside Farmer Teun and the other animals.

Abbie and Jolijn will examine, clean, and repair the painting. You can follow the restoration process over the coming period on this page, on our social media channels, or live at the museum.

So, why exactly is the painting being restored? Discover it in this introductory video.

Restoring the bull

Part 1: Why are we restoring this iconic painting?

2 min
Abbie and Jolijn

A fresh perspective

The painting is absolutely massive! Especially for young children visiting our museum. We asked a few young museum experts what they find particularly special about The bull. Which animals stand out? What details are there to discover? And what would they do if they could step into the painting?

Kids discover 'The bull'

What would you do if you could step inside this painting?

A masterpiece from The Hague

Paulus Potter, born in Enkhuizen, painted his famous bull 350 years ago, right here in The Hague. His old studio is just a 15-minute walk from our museum. Take a look inside his old house together with Lieve.

Paulus Potter's house and studio

Go on a journey with Lieve and discover where Potter lived and painted.

Discover the tiniest details Time to explore!

If you want to discover every detail of The bull yourself, simply dive into the painting! Look for the hairs on Farmer Teun's shoulders. Notice how the fleece of the freshly shorn sheep is painted. And can you find all the flies?


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Made possible by a bequest from Mrs. A.D. Bonebakker-van Enter, an anonymous donation, the Debman Foundation and Stichting Retourschip.

De restaurator

Drie kinderen staan en wijzen bij het beroemde schilderij 'De stier' van Paulus Potter.

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