
Welcome to the Mauritshuis press pages. Journalists and other interested parties will find information about the Mauritshuis's activities and current affairs here. Read our latest press releases, download images and get more information about filming and photography in the museum.
Would you want to know more about our program in 2024? You can find it here.
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Press visit to the Mauritshuis
Journalists who wish to visit the Mauritshuis during opening hours and who do not wish to film or photograph do not need to register in advance.
On presentation of their press card, they will have free access to the museum. Reserving a time slot via the website is recommended but not required.
Main press releases
Overview of press releasesPresskit exhibitions
Other press kits
Film, photography & images
Contact & press visits
For more information, please contact us:
Boris de Munnick
+31 (0)70 302 34 38
+31 (0)6 22 97 84 44
René Timmermans
+31 (0)70 302 34 33
+31 (0)6 46 58 52 54
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