Fleeting - Scents in Colour


Geur Losse Afbeelding Liggend 965 Px Breed

7 October, 2021 to 9 January, 2022

The exhibition Fleeting - Scents in Colour is a voyage of discovery that will inspire viewers to experience art from a new perspective. In the exhibition at the Mauritshuis, there are a total of eight fragrances to smell.

On this page you will find press releases and imagery.
Please note that images of the Mauritshuis may not be used for commercial purposes, but only for the promotion (of the collection) of the Mauritshuis and/or its collection, and on the condition that the appropriate credit lines are used.

Make sure that the photo bears a caption stating that the image is part of the Mauritshuis collection, The Hague.


Vervlogen MH Zaalfoto 06

All images

Tentoonstelling Vervlogen Mauritshuis


Vervlogen MH Zaalfoto 04

Exhibition space