Treasure Houses (working title)

18 September 2025 - 4 January 2026

No other country in Europe has as many country houses with magnificent art collections as England. The country has a long tradition of nobility building country houses surrounded by beautiful gardens and parks. These houses were filled to the brim with art that was collected through generations. Art was often acquired during journeys across the European continent, the so-called Grand Tour. About 10 of the most beautiful houses are still privately owned.

In the autumn of 2025, we will organize an exhibition with paintings and other works of art from three of these Treasure Houses of England: Holkham Hall, Burghley House and Woburn Abbey.

The exhibition gives you a glimpse into the way of travelling and the obsession with collecting in England. The exhibition shows highlights from international art schools from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Masterpieces from that period are rarely seen in the collections of Dutch museums.