She is looking at you. Seriously. She is world-famous, yet she looks at you. She follows you with her gaze. You should give it a try. Wherever you stand, you are always face to face with the Girl with a Pearl Earring.
But what does she see? What does she think? Who is she? The Girl with a Pearl Earring is perhaps the biggest mystery of the Netherlands. Everyone knows her, yet nobody knows who she is.
What is her secret? Come and see it with your own eyes.
Together with other museums, we have been researching this enigmatic painting for years. For instance, we have discovered that she is not actually depicted against a black background. In our entrance hall, there is a towering, razor-sharp enlargement of the Girl with a Pearl Earring. This allows you to see what our researchers observe under the microscope. You can even touch the enlargement yourself! How does the paint used by Johannes Vermeer feel? And can you spot where a bristle from the brush got stuck?