Pitch Mauritshuis Murals

Your design on a wall in The Hague

Many thanks for your submissions! The deadline to participate in the Pitch has passed. 


Would you like to see your design on this beautiful building? If so, submit your entry to Mauritshuis Murals. The winning design will appear on the façade, and the winning contestant will join the ranks of other artists like Collin van der Sluijs, Super A, Nina Valkhoff and Julien de Casabianca.

The Mauritshuis is issuing an open call for up-and-coming talent throughout the Netherlands. Designs may be submitted to 15 June.

The facade is located on Smitstraat near Joubertplantsoen in the Transvaal district of The Hague. The local residents have selected three paintings from the Mauritshuis to inspire you. Using typical things from the neighbourhood in your design is also part of the assignment.

Will your design be the next Mauritshuis Mural?

Mauritshuis Murals is a project in cooperation with The Hague Street Art, The Hague City Council and Nationale-Nederlanden in honour of the 200th anniversary of the Mauritshuis.


The local residents have selected three paintings from the Mauritshuis to inspire you. Using typical things from the neighbourhood in your design is also part of the assignment. You have all the freedom to create a design for a fantastic mural entirely in your own style. 

The winner will receive an amount of €3,750 for executing the mural. But not only that! As a 'supporter of talent' Nationale-Nederlanden, our partner in this anniversary year, will make an online portrait about you.

Costs for equipment (such as a platform lift) and painting materials are arranged and paid for by the organisation.

Do you want to participate? Send your design and motivation until 15 June 2022 to: murals@mauritshuis.nl.

Super A working on his Mauritshuis Mural at Lonnekerstraat in The Hague Inspired by the work Chickens and ducks by Melchior d'Hondecoeter.

Yes, I am participating

We are looking forward to your design for the next Mauritshuis Mural! 

Please submit your design and motivation (about the choice of the painting, the chosen design and what your design has to do with this neighbourhood in The Hague) until 15 June 2022 via murals@maurithuis.nl. Also share a sketch or detail of your design on Instagram with 'Pitch Mauritshuis Murals' and tagging @mauritshuis_museum, @nn_nederland and @thehaguestreetart.

The winning design will be executed by you in August. The mural will be completed and festively unveiled on 26 August. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before you decide to take part.

Will this be your Mauritshuis Mural on Smithstraat near the Joubertplantsoen?

Artworks for inspiration

Together with the 'neighbourhood tigers' (a children's editorial staff) of community centre Bario, we went into the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood tigers keep themselves busy with the latest news from the neighbourhood. And a new mural is of course big news. With a selection of 10 works of art, asking the local residents for their favourite painting from the Mauritshuis is therefore right up their alley!

The local residents have selected the three paintings below for you to be inspired by for your design. Clicking on them will take you to the page where you can download a high resolution image. If you need a larger file (TIFF format), please email us at murals@mauritshuis.nl

About the neighbourhood

The wall for this Pitch is in the Transvaal Quarter on Joubertplantsoen. The famous 'Haagse Markt' is located in this district and is an example of the liveliness that characterises the area. From clothes shops with colourful shop windows to bakeries where you can smell the delicious aroma. On almost every street corner, you can find a shop with a regular clientele from the neighbourhood. So too on the little square near the Joubertplantsoen. This is the focal point for the residents of the surrounding flats. You can almost call it a kind of modern 'courtyard'. In good weather, the square is bustling with activity. Children play, young people play football or basketball in the cage, and men and women sit on the benches talking to each other. The wall where the mural will be is clearly visible from the square. Many local residents will walk past your mural every day or have a view of it from the square.

Selection process

Submissions will be assessed by an expert jury consisting of director Martine Gosselink, Ranti Tjan (incoming director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts), David Roos (director of STRAAT Museum Amsterdam) and Elisah van den Bergh (curator at NN Art Collection) and by a public jury. The expert jury will pre-select the three strongest submissions, and the public jury – consisting of local residents – will have the final word. The winning design will be made on the wall on the Joubertplantsoen in The Hague in August. 

General terms and conditions of participation

You can submit your design and motivation until 15 June 2022 via murals@mauritshuis.nl

If you would like to participate, please read the brief summary below and download the extensive document with conditions.

  • You must be aged 18 or over.
  • You must live in the Netherlands.
  • The wall is approximately 115 m2 (incl. windows). The design should start at the grey section of the building. Spaces between the windows and on the leftside do not have to be included in the design.
  • Your design must be submitted digitally as a high-resolution image (min. A4 size, in JPG, PNG or PDF format).
  • You should also submit a written background document and personal statement.
  • You must be available in August to execute the mural and attend the press event and local celebration.
  • You would like to participate in an online portrait offered by our main sponsor Nationale-Nederlanden. You give Nationale-Nederlanden and the Mauritshuis permission to use this video free of rights for three years after it was made.
  • Previous experience with murals will be an advantage. Please submit a few examples of your work.
  • The design must demonstrably be inspired by an item from the Mauritshuis collection.
  • Only complete submissions, including the design plus background document and personal statement, as well as your name, address and age, will be considered.

The winner will receive €3.750,- to execute the mural. But not only that! As a 'supporter of talent' Nationale-Nederlanden, our partner in this anniversary year, will make an online portrait about you.

Costs for equipment (such as a platform lift), priming of the wall and painting materials are arranged and paid for by the organisation.

Collin van der Sluijs working on his Mauritshuis Mural at Lonnekerstraat in The Hague Inspired by the work Chickens and ducks by Melchior d'Hondecoeter.

The Hague City Council

The Hague City Council is helping to realise the Mauritshuis Murals project. Artists from The Netherlands and abroad enrich various neighbourhoods of The Hague with their murals. As a supporter of up-and-coming talent, The Hague City Council supports this part of the Mauritshuis Murals project. 


Nationale-Nederlanden (NN) is a partner and main sponsor of the Mauritshuis and is helping to make the Mauritshuis Murals project possible. As a supporter of all art discoverers, NN is committed to enthusing a wider audience for art and culture. As a supporter of talent, NN also gives artists the opportunity and a platform to inspire others.


Mauritshuis Murals is sponsored by The Hague City Council, Nationale-Nederlanden and Stichting Droom en Daad.