Pieter de Hooch

A Man Smoking and a Woman Drinking in a Courtyard

835 voorzijde
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835 ingelijst
835 voorzijde
835 voorzijde

Pieter de Hooch
A Man Smoking and a Woman Drinking in a Courtyard

Not on view



General information
Pieter de Hooch (Rotterdam 1629 - 1684 Amsterdam)
A Man Smoking and a Woman Drinking in a Courtyard
Material and technical details
78 x 65 cm


John Smith Gallery, London, until 1822 (300 pounds); William Wells, Redleaf, 1828-1848; his sale, London, 12 May 1848 (Lugt 19021), no. 95 (for 540 pounds to Farrer); Samuel Jones Loyd, Lord Overstone, London, 1871; his daughter, Lady Wantage, London, by 1888; Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, London, by 1921 until after 1929; D. Katz Gallery, Dieren, 1935; H.E. ten Cate, Almelo, 1938; gift of Mr and Mrs Ten Cate-van Wulfften Palthe, 1947