During the holidays, we tend to look back on a fantastic year, yet we also look ahead: What can we expect in for the New Year?
In 2025, we will once again tell fascinating stories, both old and new. We have two exciting exhibitions coming up: In Facing the Storm, we tell the story of our museum during the World War 2. What did the war do to the collection, the employees and the former residents of the Mauritshuis? In the fall we present a gorgeous art collection from three English Treasure Houses.
Our exhibition The Lost Museum will keep its doors open for a few more days in 2025, the restoration of Potter's Bull progresses steadily and can be admired live in the presentation A peek at Potter. Our new Open Call for #Mygirlwithapearl will also be open for just a few more weeks. The winners of this edition will be put on display in the foyer of the museum.
Scroll down for an overview of our plans.
Happy holidays!